If you live in Florida and own a home, you should verify its protected against storm damage. Hurricanes, tornadoes, and tropical storms are a fact of life in Florida and other coastal states. These natural disasters can cause widespread flooding and wind damage and leave behind biohazards that threaten your family’s health.

Storm Damage Insurance Coverage

Most homeowners insurance covers storm damage caused by hurricanes, tornadoes, and other storms. However, the damage must occur due to the storm. For example, if you have storm damage one week and a fallen tree damages your house the following week, your insurance company would not cover the damage to your home.

During Hurricane season (June 1 – November 30), your insurance company will send you a special rider to add to your policy to ensure that you are covered if a storm strikes while living in your home. This is called a “Special Form”. Talking with your insurance company to verify proper coverage is highly recommended.

to Ensure Your Home Is Protected Against Storm Damage

To ensure your home has protection against storm damage, you should check your policy’s exclusions. Exclusions are items not covered by your policy.

Homeowners Insurance Policy Review for Storm Damage Homeowners insurance policy review for mold, water, and fire, storm damage.

Check Your Policy

You need to make sure you’re aware of any exclusions or restrictions contained in your policy. Ensure that you keep in mind the types of severe weather your home might get exposed to.

Be Proactive and Add a Rider

A rider is a document that you can add to your policy to ensure that you are protected against water, mold, storm, and fire damage. This is especially important during hurricane season.

Know Your Insurance Company

Insurance companies are in the business of looking out for their interests, which are often at odds with those of the people they serve. You should always do some research into what it is that you need to get covered by your insurance.

Get Professional Help

If you are overwhelmed by the information you need to get right when discussing insurance, it might be a good idea to get some help. Engaging the services of a professional like an insurance agent can be a good idea.

Get Your Property Inspected

You need to get the property inspected if you’re not sure you meet the minimum requirements for your policy. To get a professional inspection, talk to a professional or consider hiring a private inspector. You can also check with the Real Estate Professionals Association (REPAC).

Have Your Home Sealed

You can help protect your home from water, mold, and storm damage by having it sealed. A professional can inspect your home and recommend the necessary repairs.

Ensure You Can Afford Your Deductible

You may have the ability to improve your policy’s coverage by paying a higher deductible. You may want to consider paying a higher deductible to lower your premium.

Protecting Your Home from Storm Damage

You can also take some additional steps to protect your home from storm damage:

1. Make sure trees around the house are trimmed back and do not rub against the house or overhang it. When the trees grow near the home, it can cause cracks in the walls or roof and lead to water leaks and mold growth.

2. Check for loose or damaged gutters on the roof and replace them if necessary. You may want to consider installing rain barrels; these hold excess rainwater and can be used to prevent overflow into the yard during heavy storms.

Empty shelves are common before and after a storm or other natural disaster. Empty shelves are common before and after a storm or other natural disaster.

Steps to Prepare for Potential Storm Damage

During times of crisis, resources can become scarce, and making off-the-cuff decisions can prove disastrous.

Preparing for a hurricane or a storm before it hits is the best way to protect your Florida home against hurricane damage. Here are some proactive steps you can take:

  • develop a family disaster plan
  • have a family meeting to discuss the plan
  • maintain a disaster supply kit
  • have a backup plan
  • create a plan for your pets
  • review home insurance coverage

Storm-Related Roof Damage

It’s good to have your roof inspected after every major storm to ensure it hasn’t become damaged, or you might risk serious problems when the next hurricane comes around. Missing shingles and damaged flashing can cause leaks, cause mold growth, or eventually cause structural damage. Any of these issues will only worsen as time goes on, so make sure you take care of them before it’s too late! If you don’t have a professional inspector come by soon and look at all of your roofs, there’s no telling what kind of trouble you’ll be facing when hurricane season arrives again later this year.

Make Sure Your Property Damage Liability Policy Protects You

As you can see, multiple types of property damage get covered by Florida homeowners insurance. However, you need to know whether or not your property damage liability policy protects specific instances.

OTM Restoration Services Can Help

It’s always a good idea to take the time to talk to your insurance company and see what property damage gets covered and what doesn’t.

Do you have water, mold, storm, or fire damage that needs to get repaired?

Contact On the Map Restoration today and talk to us about the services we offer. If you have damages that require emergency attention, call us for a free consultation and quote at 800-416-5986 today!

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